The Liquidator - "I will mess you up!" |
Often have you heard it said, "He's a really nice bloke off the pitch". Generally, the assumption that one is inclined to make in light of this comment is that he must a complete bastard on the pitch! This, of course, is not universally applicable but as a rule of thumb it tends to be reasonably accurate - remember that lunatic who used to play at Maysfield and Declan O'Kane broke his wrist trying to kill him? The "Liquidator" or "Hallion" as was his alter ego in a previous incarnation is a really nice bloke off the pitch and the reason that you, dear reader, have been blogless this last couple of weeks. The recovery time for a badly bruised heel is much longer than I would have expected, but the older you get the longer is any recovery time. Girly Bhoy was only yesterday telling me that he can't get his breath back to make love more than once during a night of horizontal jogging so if he is struggling, what does that mean for us lesser mortals. To be fair, Girly's love sessions are legendary and, I believe, he only managed it once on tour but of this he cannot be sure - Ron reckoned he was awol at least twice and he couldn't have been lost in the lift on both occasions!
Fortunately, with the exception of Gaz, I have not been missed at our weekly football ritual (Gaz phoned to say that he missed me and my dazzling flair or was that hair?). Without the assists, the strikers have been quiet and goals have been few. Cruncher is still laughing at himself and Ferryman is laughing at Cruncher laughing at himself. I would like to report on some magnificent, post tour, end of season shenanigans but other than the usual antics of Girly Bhoy and his mogadon enriched insightful opinions, there is little to deliver.............
With the exception of one final reminder to contribute to the Weiry fund at
www.justgiving.com/weirysbuffs. We have almost raised £7500 without the tax dividend so this has been a very successful exercise. I know some folk found it problematic when trying to access the page, so here is your last chance as I will be winding up the page next week.
I look forward to getting back in a week or so but in the meantime, go easy on the liquidator!
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