Manuela and Girly Man |
The first week of the month of March when I am reliably informed that the weather changes from lionesque to lamb-like in the 31 days it takes for the month to pass. The most recent outing at Lough Moss was a timid affair with both teams more lamb-like than lionesque. The result was a home win with goals coming from Tank, Fuzz, Ferryman, Deeno, Culchie and Cruncher but in no particular order and in no particular end.
This month also celebrates the first anniversary of the fund raising effort we all contributed to when our philosopher goalkeeper was suffering the terrible effects of pulmonary fibrosis. This, as we know, was very successful, not only in bringing the attention of the public to the debilitating effects of the disease, but also has provided a happy outcome for the Scottish legend who is now fully functional with two working lungs. Indeed it is hoped that he will make a return to his position between the sticks at the second playing of the Love Street Charity Cup. I bring this up because, this week, I received a very nice email from a chap called Alex Croft at Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis. In a very humble missive, he conveyed his gratitude for your generosity in raising a total of £8713.23 for their relatively small charity. Not bad for a bunch of has been ex footballers!
Last week, I also received the following link from Burnsy of Orangefield - one of our adversaries on the field.
As a reader of this blog, it reminded him of the original article which prompted the instigation of the Len Cantello FC blog over a year ago. I particularly liked the metaphorical use of "sporting karaoke" in this piece. The truth is some of us couldn't sing in 1982 when our game started and still can't sing now - that was another metaphor in case you wondered. Ironically, that original link, over a year ago, was provided by Blind Willie who only this morning sent me the same link to the above blog. Looks like you might need to copy and paste that to make it work.
I was talking to Blind Willie recently and he is confidently striding toward full recovery after his own health issues. He has just embarked on a "Belt and Braces" course of chemotherapy to ensure his return to the fray in the not too distant future.
Finally, a nod to Girly Bhoy who has at last become a man having been seen out with a lady (Manuela) and not a ladyboy. I had a lengthy chat with the hithertoo, wily goal getter who has had his own set of problems to deal with of late. A diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma was not the perfect coming of age gift but unfortunately something that he has to confront head on. This will of course wreak havoc to his expensive thatch but should allow him to continue providing us with amusing anecdotes for years to come. Keep taking the pills Girly!